Doing things remotely

Doing things remotely

Are you feeling the pressure of remote work? You're not alone. We're living in a time where "9 to 5" doesn't necessarily mean being at the office from 9 am to 5 pm - it could mean waking up at 6 am to finish some tasks before getting the kids off to school and then logging back on after they go to bed. But despite the challenges, remote work can also come with amazing opportunities and technologies that make it possible for us to collaborate and be productive from anywhere, with the help of tools like video conferencing, shared documents, and yes - even robots! So let's talk about how we can navigate this new world of remote work and find that balance we all crave. Are you ready? Let's do this.

What is remote working and why has it become popular 

So what is remote working, exactly? In a nutshell, it's the ability to do your job from anywhere - whether that's from home, a coffee shop, or even on a beach in the middle of nowhere. And while it may seem like a new phenomenon, remote working has been around for years. What's changed is that technology has finally caught up with our desires to be connected and productive no matter where we are, which is why we're seeing a surge in remote work policies and tools.

But why is remote working becoming so popular? There are lots of reasons. For employees, the benefits can be huge. Not only do you get to skip out on that dreaded morning commute, but you can also save on childcare and other work-related costs. 

For employers, the benefits are just as clear. Remote working can save companies millions of dollars in real estate and other workplace costs, and it also enables businesses to tap into a larger talent pool since they're no longer limited to geographical boundaries. Additionally, thanks to technologies like video conferencing and collaboration tools, employers can still maintain a sense of team cohesion even if their employees are working remotely.

While there are certainly some challenges to overcome, the opportunities it provides make it well worth considering for both employees and employers alike.

Here are some facts about remote working that is worth knowing

- 55% of employees now prefer to work from home 3 to 5 days a week 

- Remote working saves millions of dollars for enterprises 

- AI and automation alleviate complexities for IT departments 

- 66% of employees say that automation (RPA) enables more human interaction 

- 80% of S&P businesses have implemented or expanded their remote work policies 

- About 67% of businesses plan on retaining their remote working policies and structures

Technologies that support remote working

Remote working wouldn't be possible without the help of various technologies that allow us to connect and collaborate no matter where we are. Some of the most popular technologies include:

Video Conferencing - This is probably the most essential tool for remote working, as it allows employees to see and interact with each other in real-time. It's perfect for team meetings, training, and other collaborations.

Collaboration Tools - These tools allow employees to share documents, ideas, and feedback in real time. This is a great way to keep everyone on track and ensure that everyone is kept up to date on project progress.


Cloud Storage - This allows employees to access files from anywhere, which is essential for those who need to work from multiple devices or locations.

Remote Access Software - This software enables employees to work from home by giving them access to their office computer files and programs.

How robots are changing the way we work remotely

Remote working has become popular in recent years due to the many benefits it offers employees and employers alike. However, with the rise of automation and robotics, some people are starting to question whether or not remote working will still be a viable option in the future.

Automation and robotics have already begun to change the way we work, and this is particularly evident in the way we work remotely. Thanks to advancements in AI and automation technologies, robots are now able to do many of the tasks that used to be done by human employees. This includes things like data entry, customer service, and even complex tasks like legal research.

This shift towards automation has caused some people to doubt the future of remote working. After all, if robots can do many of the same tasks as human employees, then why would businesses need to hire remote workers?

While it's true that automation is changing the way we work, it's important to note that it's not replacing human workers. Instead, it's complementing them. Robots can't completely replace human employees due to things like creativity and emotion, which are essential in certain roles.

Moreover, automation enables businesses to hire more remote workers. By automating certain tasks, businesses can reduce their costs and make it easier for employees to work from home. This makes remote working an even more attractive option for both employees and employers.

Tips for balancing work and family life when remote working

Here are a few tips for making the most of your remote working arrangement:

Create a dedicated workspace - Having a designated workspace at home can help you to stay focused on work and avoid getting distracted. It's also important to make sure that your workspace is child-friendly so that your kids can feel comfortable coming to you with any questions or problems they may have.

Set boundaries - It's essential to set boundaries between your work and personal life, especially when working from home. This means putting away your work laptop and not answering work emails after hours. It can be tough to enforce these boundaries, but it's important to try your best.

Communicate with your boss - It's important to keep your boss in the loop when it comes to any family-related emergencies that may arise. This way, they can understand why you may need to take some time off or work from home occasionally.

Stay organized - Working from home can be chaotic if you're not organized. Make sure to create a schedule and stick to it as much as possible. This will help you to stay on top of your work tasks and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Closing thoughts on the future of remote working

There are many benefits to remote working, including flexibility, cost savings, and improved work-life balance. And thanks to the advancements in automation and robotics technologies, businesses can hire more remote workers than ever before.

While there may be some challenges posed by automation and robotics, the future of remote working is still looking bright. Thanks to advancements in technology, we're able to connect and collaborate no matter where we are in the world, which is essential for the future of work.
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